Mexican Independence

Another cause for which Mexicans got independent, was because they saw that the 13 colonies of the United States got independent from a highly powerful country, so they believed they could do so as well. They believed they could be independent from Spain since Spain was currently in a crisis for which it would facilitate the upcoming uprising. Another cause, was the idea of the French revolution (1789) due to the fact that their success had a significance in triumph of the bourgeoisie over the nobility and clergy in addition to a series of reforms such as the Declaration of the Rights of Man.The Napoleonic invasion to the Spanish crown was another cause since this event was taken by advantage by the Latin American leaders to start revolutions towards independence from the Spanish conquerers. It occurred in 1808 when Napoleon takes Spain and substitutes the monarch Carlos the fourth, in that time the Spanish were too busy stoping their country from getting invaded. When Mexico found out about the French invasion, they exploit it to promote the independence movement using posters around the country and with all the rest ideal facts which received, which was mentioned above.
The Bourbon Reforms were a set of reforms and legislations made by Charles III, the king of Spain during 1759-1788, to modernize Mexico. These changes introduced higher taxes and more direct military control in the colony. In order to re-establish control over New Spain the crown created 12 districts or intendencias where each district was led by a intendente, who then reported to the Commander in Mexico City.

This map shows the land owned by Mexico after they fought for their independence as a country. In addition Central America was also a part of Mexico during the time of Independence.
This a picture drawn by Jose Clemente Orozco, this is a painting in a mural which is held in the Jalisco Governmental Palace, Guadalajara. Even though the painter was born more than 70 years after Hidalgos death, it can be considered an accurate picture as it shows how Mexicans portray Miguel Hidalgo. In the mural, Miguel Hidalgo is holding a paper that looks like a banner that says "libertad" meaning "freedom". Around Hidalgo it is evident that the people are suffering and seem to be dying, Hidalgos face expression shows that he is unhappy with the current situation. Hidalgos face expression with suffering people surrounding him while he still holds his banner, demonstrates how Hidalgo was still willing to fight for his nations rights no matter what the consequence was.

Map of when Mexico won independence: "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
Painting of Hidalgo by Jose Clemente Orozco:
"Causas de la Independencia de México." 2012. 11 Nov. 2014 <>

This chart shows the number of people in each caste system after the independence