Mexican Independence

How did the enlightenment influence the age of revolutions?
One of the major influences of the Age of Revolutions was the Age of Enlightenment. During this period, most of philosophers (with the exception of Thomas Hobbes) believed that the purpose of the government is to protect the rights of the people, and that it is the duty of the people to replace the government if they are not protecting these Rights. John Locke demonstrates this concept in the Two Treatises of Government in which he expresses his belief that if a ruler violates the Natural Rights—Life, Liberty, and Property—then the people must overthrow the government and install a new one. This idea was later used in the revolting countries. An example of this theory being put into practice was during the American Revolution in the Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America. This document states, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government”. Similarly, in the Two Treatises of Government, Locke wrote, “Whenever the government shall transgress this fundamental rule of society…they forfeit the power the power had put into their hands”. This clearly exemplifies how the Enlightenment influenced the revolutions.
The French Revolution was a major world event. Not only did it topple the French Monarchy, it caused a ripple effect around the world. How did the French Revolution cause other revolutions?
The French Revolution played a large role in the many of the other revolutions in the world during the Age of Revolutions because of Napoleon Bonaparte’s (the French Emperor) role in the international community. For example, the cause of the Brazilian revolution was heavily influenced by Napoleon’s rise to power. Once Napoleon invaded Spain, Portugal decided it would be safer for them to move to their colony, Brazil, until Spain reclaimed its land from Napoleon’s empire. Once Napoleon had fallen, King João VI decided to move back and left his eldest son, Prince Pedro, to rule Brazil. While the Portuguese Crown was in Brazil, the nobles of Brazil were able to represent their country and make decisions for Brazil, and when the Crown left, so did this right. Missing their right to represent the citizens of Brazils, the nobles spoke to Pedro and convinced him to declare Brazil’s independence from Portugal. This demonstrates how Napoleon and the French Revolution influenced other revolutions, regardless if it was unintentional or not.
Inequality – social, political, and economic – often causes of revolution. What role did inequality play in the Age of revolutions?
A contributing factor of the revolutions during this time period was inequality, mostly in the social, political, and economic aspects. Haiti for example suffered from inequality because the slaves were treated horribly and were socially politically inferior to the white plantation owners. In France, people had no rights (particularly women) and the lower classes were treated unfairly. In the United States, the British crown imposed high taxes and the Americans were not treated as equals to the British. These injustices caused the citizens of these countries to rebel against their oppressive governments.
Overall, what caused these populations to risk life and future by rebelling against the government? In other words: why did these revolutions take place, and why did so many of them take place during this period?
The reason why populations risk their lives and future are the same worldwide. People revolt because of exterior influence from other countries and because they are treated unequally and are oppressed. This can be shown during the Age of revolutions. One example why revolutions occurred is because French Revolutions’ influence on other countries. In addition to the Brazilian Revolution, France also influenced the Haitian Revolution. One of the contributing factors of the Haitian Revolution were the strict trade laws (mercantilism) that only allowed Haiti to trade raw materials with France, making Haitians upset and eventually revolt. An example of how the inequality played a role is the treatment of the Americans by the English. The English treated the Americans unfairly, and higher taxes were imposed upon them. With the help of John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government and his ideas of Natural Rights, the Americans became independent from the tyrannical English. These revolutions demonstrate how oppression and international influences affect all revolutions that take place.