Mexican Independence

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This is the speech that Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla wrote in September 16th of 1810. With this speech he tried to incorporate more people to think and act to get their independence. He says that the cause was divine and that it was protected by God, so he invited the citizens to participate and make the independence happen. He found many followers because he talked about the Virgen de Guadalupe and during that time, a lot of people were catholic so everything compared to religion called their attention.
This was a letter that the “Secretaria del Ayuntamiento de Guanajuato” wrote offering money to the person that brought Miguel hidalgo and his “compatriotas” deaths. This letter says that the “Virrey Venegas offered 10 thousand pesos for the heads of Hidalgo, Allende and Aldama", because they were doing sins and because of the idea of being Independent from Spain. Francisco Javier Venegas was the governor and general of the New Spain, so he was against the idea that Miguel Hidalgo y de Costilla had of being independent.
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This is a letter that an individual wrote in 1812. It talks about why individuals chose to rebel against Spain. The citizen that wrote this letter was Chito Villagrán, he was a guerrilla leader. It was written in 1812 saying why he and other people rose up against Spanish rule. This letter really helps historians to determine why individuals rebelled and what were the causes.…/samplechapt…/0321355814.pdf
This is the “Acta de Independencia of Mexico” written in September 27, 1821. The first two lines shows how the writer feels free. The Mexicans now feel free and they want to show their country as an independent country. This act talks about what they had to go trough to be independent and that even though they had conflicts and really bad moments, they found what they wanted “be free”. As you read this letter you can see that they were happy because after all they got what they wanted