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Mexican Independence

Three revolutions that the enlightenment set in motion during the age of revolution were The French Revolution, The American Revolution and The Glorious Revolution. In the French Revolution the enlightenment influenced it because before the enlightenment the monarchs were able to convince their subjects that they had the Divine right to rule and that God knew who that monarch would be, so God must have chosen that monarch. Doing this, is how they got away with absolute power. Based on this idea in France the Divine right to rule appeared. Also they used the idea of Rousseau about the separation of powers. All this ideas started the corruption in the government which caused the warfare. The encouragement of the victory of the American Revolution and the higher taxes to pay for the French also opened the doors for the class warfare. In the case of the America Revolution the enlightenment influenced it with the revolters that were inspired by enlightenment thinker John Locke’s ideas about government and the creation of a country. They even changed his phrase “life, liberty and property” into the phrase, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Also many ideas and concepts like the natural rights, innovative ways of thinking regarding government structure and the freedom form oppression came from the ideas of philosophers such as Locked during the Enlightenment. Similarly in The Glorious Revolution where the philosopher from the Enlightenment, Locke wrote a book about the toleration because this revolution was a disagreement among the people. The enlightenment affected these three revolutions in difference ways such as, Jean-Jacques Rousseau that inspired normal citizens to think about politics as well as equality, John Locke ideas for monumental tracts such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and gave less power to the monarchy (getting rid of absolutism in England).
The French Revolution affected the Brazilian, Haitian and Rio de La Plata Revolutions in different ways. In France what was going on was the revolution and the war against Napoleon. In Brazil, when Napoleon declared war against Portugal and nearby countries, the Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil for refuge. King Dom João VI established councils, courts and treasuries, making Brazil equal to Portugal politically. When conflicts in Portugal grew, he was forced to return to calm them down, and appointed Dom Pedro, his son, with the power. Tensions grew with the Portugal as it kept ruling Brazil from afar, stripping it off its colonial state and exploring it. This enraged Brazilians and Dom Pedro, who joined them for independence. In the other hand, in Haiti the biggest cause for the Haitian Revolution was difference in social classes, specially harsh treatment toward slaves. Similarly, this had happened in France and with the revolution, more rights were given to slaves. This is why the French Revolution acted as a motivation for the Haitian Revolution, both relating to the incredible difference between social status. In the Rio de la Plata revolution they had been influenced by the success of the french revolution. After Napoleon Bonaparte left his bother, Joseph in charge, after conquering Spain the colonies in South America took this as an opportunity to set off an independence.
Inequality during he Age of Revolution was a big deal in the French, Haitian and Mexican Revolutions. In the French Revolution more than anything, it was social inequality that motivated their revolution. During this time, there was a spike in population, most of them being peasants. There was, however, a small amount of nobles with power, and the difference between these classes was immense. The peasants were taxed heavily, while the nobles did not have to worry about taxes. In the end, it was these inequalities that set the French Revolution in motion. In the other hand, in Haiti the social inequality was the most important cause for the Haitian Revolution. The huge difference between social classes motivated slaves especially to fight for their independence, with the hopes of creating or maintaining a more egalitarian society. Just as in the French Revolution, in the Mexican Revolution there was immense economical and social inequalities. Mostly, it was the discrimination against the creoles by the Spaniards. They weren't given the same opportunities as the Spaniards were. Most of these revolutions took place after the French Revolution succeeded. It was a motivation for oppressed countries. During this time too, there was a lot of conflict in Europe, which made it easier for American colonies to gain their independence. Besides this, the enlightenment played a big role. Now that people were being involved in intellectual discussions which included politics and economics, they were formulating their own opinions, either agreeing or disagreeing with their governments.
Most of these revolutions took place after the French Revolution succeeded. It was a motivation for oppressed countries. During this time too, there was a lot of conflict on Europe, which made it easier for American colonies to gain their independence. Besides this, the enlightenment played a big role. Now that people were being involved in intellectual discussions which included politics and economics, they were formulating their own opinions, either agreeing or disagreeing with their governments.
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