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Mexican Independence

The Enlightenment which took place from the 1680s-1800s, influenced many revolutions during the Age of Revolutions. It was the time of age of metaphoric light, of reason. Reason being thinking through a problem using intellect rather than religion or feelings. During the Enlightenment, there where many individuals who questioned many forms of government, whom influenced those revolutions. John Lock, from England, influenced the American revolution, where Americans became free from the Pilgrim rule and started a democracy since they believed all men should have equal rights. . From Locke’s ideals, the Declaration of Independence was written. Another philosopher who influenced a revolution is Jean-Jacques Rousseau who influenced the French Revolution. Rousseau believed in equality in human rights and therefor created a counter effect on the French population, bringing them to question the government which eventually led to the revolution. In the Revolution of Rio de la Plata, the leader, San Martin would always travel to Europe and he would study the ideologies of these philosophers, he would then take back these teachings and apply them to his colonies, this influenced the revolution as he wanted to use these ideas. The enlightenment influenced revolution as many revolutionary leaders followed the teachings of philosophers who contradicted government during the enlightenment.
The French Revolution, is a world known war as it greatly influenced several revolutions. The French Revolutions caused other revolutions as it created other colonial powers to suffer which caused the colonies to strike back. One example of this was in the Mexican Independence War, Mexico was under Spanish colonial rule, however when the French Revolution started, France invaded Spain. When the French invaded Spain, the Mexicans believed that the Spanish were being weakened by the French and took as an advantage to revolt. The French Revolution also influenced the Brazilian Revolution. The French threatened the Portuguese Monarchs and they fled to Brazil. Once they were in Brazil they wanted to create a colony and the Native Brazilians revolted against it. During the French revolution, Haiti was under French colonial rule and the indigenous were working as slaves. When the French Revolution happened they saw that the French were fighting for their rights so they took it as a counter argument saying that them being slaves should also have rights and fought the French. The French Revolution caused other revolutions as they invaded other countries which brought upon the effect on revolutions.
Inequality usually plays a big role in revolutions. Revolutions are usually cause by social, political, and economical inequality. In the Age of Revolutions, inequality was a big cause n several revolutions. Before the French Revolution, there was a serious problem with inequality where commoners where not being treated as equal as nobles. Commoners had less rights than nobles and were treated with less respect. Another example is in the Revolution of Rio de la Plata, there was a social hiegharchy, where the peninsulares; who were at the top of the pyramid, had more power and were paid in much greater amounts than the rest of the people. Also, in the Mexican Independence War, just like Rio de la Plata, there was a social hiegharchy. The peninsulares, had more rights and power than others in the social pyramid and the creoles were being discriminated and mistreated by the spaniards as they were not considered people to interact with due to their lack of wealth. In addition, the indigenous people of Mexico and the slaves were living in terrible poverty which greatly affected the Mexican population at that time.
Overall, what caused these populations to risk their life and future by rebelling against the government was the discrimination and inequality between the colonial powers and their colonies. People were being extremely mistreated by the colonial powers, for example the Haiti Revolution where there were slaves. There was a huge social, political, and economical inequality, for example the French Revolution where commoners had more had less rights than nobleman. In Mexico, the indigenous people were rudely discriminated by the spaniards causing a mental damage on several natives.These populations were not being treated fairly and had slim to none chances at freedom and rights which lead to their rebellion against their governments.
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