Mexican Independence

Although there were many short term causes that caused the Mexican Revolution; for example the French Revolution, and long term causes, like when Napoleon’s brother was established as the kind of Spain, there was a case that sparked the desire to oppose the new type of government in Mexico, which led to a new rise of nationalism. This nationalism led the Mexicans to resist the French Rule. To begin with, Mexicans had been discontent with the Spanish treatment of their civilians for several years, and it became emaciated to think that a change in government was going to be opposed by Spain. For this reason, the perfect opportunity to spark nationalism within the Mexican people was through something like the mistreating of civilians. There was an unstable relationship between the newly imposed Spanish monarch and the colonies. Miguel Hidalgo de Costilla realized this and decided to act once and for all. According to an online article from the Library of Congress, on the cold morning of September 16 of 1810, father Miguel Hidalgo made history when he called upon the citizens of Dolores and urged them with the speech known as the ‘Grito de Dolores’ to raise arms and fight for their independence. The Mexican Revolution was sparked through the speech Miguel Hidalgo made called ‘Grito de Dolores’ because it inspired the citizens to fight their rights and independence.
Spark Cause
"Father Miguel Hidalgo and the Mexican Revolution." . N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2014. <>.
Archives: Miguel Hidalgo." Archives: Miguel Hidalgo. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.
"Today in History." : September 16. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.